Poem: Cherish

“Alice, himlen kan vänta
Det finns en väg o en plats för varje människa”

[Alice, Heaven can wait
There is a path and a place for every person]

Loreen, “Alice
How I'd love to visit my younger self;
sitting him down with a coffee –
the taste newly acquired, energised –
and tell him, with the same kind warmth as his mother 

That not only does it get better, child 
but my – how you'll flourish and shine! 
How the light within, that you were afraid would dim 
instead glows and grows along with you. 

It will touch others, inspire and enchant, 
it will give comfort to you and yours; 
the lovers, friends, family chosen and few, 
it will show you the way home from the abyss. 

But for all the joy and light you possess 
Beware also the dark within; 
Your words when cold are precision knives, 
Icy steel, slicing flesh from foe. 

Remember your karate training as a kid: 
Attack only as defence, do not enjoy it 
for you'll never know what you mean to those you hurt
and remorse rarely comes before the error. 

Know your power, know your worth 
Forget not those who've loved you since birth 
but breathe deep, chest out, and face up to the sky – 
What you possess is wonderful, cherish it 'til you die. 

Cork, September 15, 2023

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